Every Morning my eyes open shut
As the aches creak to the side of the bed
The darkness waits through the Glass
As I think of the reality ahead
As the cold air hits, the body turns left
Back on the morning run
A familiar face; four bends and a turn
Then the orange of the morning sun
Each Muscle wakes one by one
And some not until the hill
But as I climb and watch my breath
My thoughts remain ever still
Imagine a life with nowhere to turn
The friends you know are not
You burn a car or lie on your back
This is the life you’ve got….
The systems failed, whatever that is
For your life is not a dance
A 4 letter badge stamped on your heart
Your genies wish; A Chance..
I can’t believe we are in this mess
These children need our love
They walk our streets and know our names
But who wants to be a Dove?
I turn off the beach and head for home
Four hugs await me there
Two worlds collide to raise some hope
To change that vacant stare
Let’s give these children a second chance
We can all start again
The deal is simple, you dig deep
And I will run the ten!
Hey Matt, i'm really pleased you put your poem on. Its a great inspiration to us all. Have fun in Paris Sarah x
thanks! x
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