So as i sit here in Lanzarote, with a little cloud cover you may be glad to hear, i now enter what is really the last phase of training. As always training plans change and mine has considerably.
firstly due to my right ankle giving me a little trouble, so pulled the mileage back a little. Secondly due to getting a decent balance of family time and running time whilst on holiday. Finally taking advice from those that have done 10 in 10 and built a bigger taper into the training. Taper being the period we pull the training back to get a little rest in the legs prior to the event.
Red mountain allowed me to build a little hill training into the training runs in lanzarote, as the area i am in is pretty flat! But in general i ran between 10 - 12 miles, 4 times per week and then put a 20 mile run in at the weekend. Thus averaging around 60 miles per week , rather than the 70 - 80 i originally anticipated.
But going into this last 4 week phase of training i have Paris and London marathons next week and the week after respectively. With a long run the day after or before each marathon, and then a back to back 20 miler in week 3, i think,well i hope, i'll be ready to take on the 10!!
Sponsorship is going incredibly well, with all close friends,family and work colleagues coming up trumps, so thank you!! Also a big thanks to people i have not even met before, that are friends of friends,that have simply dug deep and sponsored me. Really, it is much appreciated.
So I am off to pack, to return to what seems like wind, rain and general poor weather, but i guess you can have too much of a good thing!!!
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