Friday, February 29, 2008

T shirt Design is in!

When we ran the 3 in 3 back in 2006, out T shirts went down an absolute storm, and we still see people wearing them now. They were designed by Tim Harvatt of Rockpool design . Once again he has pulled together a classic T shirt that I will send on to everyone that sponsors me over £50. Hang on! Mr Hurle pulled me up on this yesterday, being a lawyer he would! That's £50 or over...

It's simply my way of saying thank you. The upside being the 10 in 10 is pretty much up there in the endurance league so the T shirt will certainly impress down the local pub! Only 10 qualified this year and 7 last year, so the odds of getting caught out are pretty slim! But do your research first:-

  • Its the same run every day
  • Remember to talk about the mental battle over the physical pain
  • You trained over 80 miles a week
  • Never discuss Taper, Times, Nutrition or any detail
  • Breath in at all times!!
So please be upstanding for the most creative designer, the greatest surfer, the best doughnut buyer, but also a great friend to the cause.....

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

england shirt for a mile?!!

I have taken some offers in my time, but £50 to Brathay if I wear an England rugby top for 1 mile may seem simple for most. But as a welsh fan that hurts with the best of them, this is on a par with the 10 in 10 in itself.

My uncle Garry, is a unique character. One you never take your eye off, you would want him on your trivial pursuit team but you would never sit next to him!!

So as its for charity i will wear the top, but as there was no stipulation on the home or away kit, may i propose that I wear the away kit, which happens to be red. You can look like Wales but you'll never be Wales. But maybe that would be unsporting? So yes, the white of England will grace at least a mile of the 10 in 10 challenge this May.

Anyone else have any creative ideas, I can be bought for charity!!!!!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Website goes live

First of all, I have to say a massive thank you to Hayley at Goscar Rock internet who has once again come up with an excellent site in 24hours, and has donated the work FOC. So I have to say thank you so much, very kind and i have to say almost a rare act today. So if you are looking for a site, I must recommend them!

So if you want to see a little more, look at last years film footage, read more on brathay or donate, please have a look as we are now live!!!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

beware visits to office

Steve popped in for a coffee today and kindly sponsored me £100.

Within 20 mins we had him signed up for the last leg!! Good boy....

Now look out Powell and Mr Rees, Mr Evans is on the prowl! Steve says you can all crash in his caravan, not sure he's mentioned it to Sharon though!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

blog goes live

On the 9th May I will be running 10 Marathons in 10 days to raise money for Brathay. So to add a little excitement and break up the monotony of running and running and running I have set up this blog.

Here I hope to drop down some thoughts on training, upload videos before and during the event and answer any questions people may have.

So what is Brathay?

Brathay is a registered charity that delivers personal development programmes with children and young people from across the UK. They work in partnership with various national and regional youth agencies in helping children and young people overcome difficulties arising from their personal and social circumstances, and give them the skills to make positive choices about their behaviour and attitude. They currently work with over 5000 children and young people, and over 4000 adults each year.

Basically its a place that gives our children a second chance, a second chances are pretty rare!!

So if you can help, please do by visiting if not please enjoy the blog as it develops over the next couple of months.
